To Set Up A New Water Account:
Contact the office to request a New Account Set Up Sheet or provide us with the
following information:
Account Name: _____________________________________
Assessor’s Parcel Number (APN): ______________________
Pine Hills service address: ____________________________
Billing Address: _________________________________
Email: _________________________ Opt in for email alerts _____
Phone: ________________________ Opt in for text alerts ______
Alt Phone: _____________________ Opt in for text alerts ______
Choose to receive your bills via mail _____or email_____
Choose to receive other information via mail_____or email_____
Billing Cycle:
Water, service and assessments are billed by PHMWC every two months, and payment is due by the last calendar day of the month after the close of the billing cycle. The billing periods and due dates are:
bills sent March 1, due by March 31

bills sent May 1, due by May 31

bills sent July 1, due by July 31

bills sent September 1, due by September 30
bills sent November 1, due by November 30
bills sent January 1, due by January 31
Any bills not paid by the due date are considered delinquent and will incur a 10% late charge.
Water Rates, Service and Assessments:
Water usage is billed in units of 100 Cubic Feet (1 unit = 100 cubic feet = 748 gallons).
The current water rates are:
Tier 1
0 to 6 units

$ 4.30 per unit
Tier 2
7 to 30 units

$ 6.40 per unit
Tier 3
over 30 units

$18.00 per unit
The bi-monthly fixed charges are:
Service (meter customers only)
USDA Assessment (for USDA loan)
Assessment (for Capitol Improvements)
Example: if you are billed for 16 units of water (1 unit = 100 CuFt), your bill will be calculated as follows:
6 units at Tier 1 rate (6 x $4.30) 
$ 25.80
10 units at Tier 2 rate (10 x $6.40)
$ 64.00
Total water usage
$ 89.80
Service (Meter customers) 
$ 57.50
Assessment (Capitol Improvements)
$ 21.00
Assessment (USDA Loan)

$ 60.00
Your water bill will be

Bill Payment Options:
Pay with a credit card via the Customer Portal
Pay with a credit card over the phone by calling the billing office at (760) 765-1243
Send a check or initiate a Bill Pay payment from your bank account payable to:
Pine Hills Mutual Water Company
PO Box 725
Julian, CA 92036
Include your Account Number (format xxx-xx-xx) on your payment: To ensure proper credit to your account, please include your account number (listed on your bill) on your check or Online Bill Payment.
Important note about Online Bill Pay: If you use Online Bill Pay through your bank, your payment is sent to us as a check and mailed via USPS. To ensure your payment is received by the due date, choose a payment date at least 5 days prior to the due date to allow sufficient mailing time.
Access the Customer Portal from our website: To access your account balance, payment history, make credit or debit card payments and request to set up Auto Pay click on the “Customer Portal” link and use your account number (including the dashes) to access the Customer Portal and set up a password.
Sign Up for Auto Pay: Have your bill automatically paid each billing cycle on your credit or debit card by filling out the Auto Pay request form via the Customer Portal or call the billing office at (760) 765-1243 to have it set up for you. Auto Pays are processed on the 15th of the month after bills are sent out.
Pay your bill with your Credit/Debit Card: You can process a credit or debit card payment yourself using the Customer Portal, or call the billing office at (760) 765-1243 to process your payment over the phone.
Billing Contact Information: For questions or assistance regarding a water bill, please call the billing office at (760) 765-1243 or email or send a letter to:
Pine Hills Mutual Water Company
PO Box 725
Julian, CA 92036
Bill Review and Appeal: To initiate a complaint or to appeal charges shown on the water bill, customers must do so in writing to PHMWC PO Box 725, Julian CA 92036 or via email at All complaints and appeals will be reviewed by PHWMC’s Board of Directors. PHMWC will not disconnect water service while the appeal is pending.
Billing adjustments for large (accidental) water usage: Shareholders are required to submit a written request or appear in person at a board meeting to advise the board the reason for the high use and ask for a reduction in the water rates charged.